
先生も感動! MLS講師新人研修を終えて

先生も感動! MLS講師新人研修を終えて



Hi!  My name is Sky Murase, and I lead Training and Support for Instructors at MLS.
I want to share with you one of my favorite parts of working here; being involved with the Basic Training process for MLS Instructors.



Every year we have the opportunity to share our teaching method with English Instructors from all around the world.  It’s invigorating to watch an English Instructor experience English Through Drama for the first time during their weeks in our Basic Training program.




Most teachers who have taught English in another school are familiar with teaching on a basic level, but what is usually missing is an exact method that aims to accomplish more than just the memorization of words.  We want to evoke real expression from our students, and this can be achieved with the Drama Method. This is not easy!



The Drama Method demands to be used by more than just an English speaker, but by someone who can demonstrate real expression as the basis for communication. This is why Basic Training has such a big effect on people who go through it.




I think it would be very interesting for people to see what kind of reaction MLS Instructors have after completing Basic Training.  Please enjoy the following comments from our Instructors!

研修を終えた講師たちの反応、ご興味ありませんか? じっくりお楽しみください!



Most extremely memorable experience in my entire teaching career.  MLS doesn’t only change the lives of the students but it also changes the lives of the teachers.

It was very nice to know that even though we’re already experienced teachers, MLS was able to bring out the best in us as teachers.  It taught us to be who we are while doing our job in the most effective way of all the schools I’ve worked for before, this is the only school where I found a family at work.

I will surely treasure all the things that I’ve learned from the training.







The MLS training was really fantastic.  Throughout the whole training process we felt supported as we went through the training journey.  The way the information was presented was really clear and well thought out.  We learnt many new techniques.  For those of us with previous teaching experience it really took our teaching to the next level and provided us with a lot of extra tools for the toolbox, so to speak.  It allowed for both professional and personal development.  We are all excited about our follow up meetings and trainings!

I want to thank the trainers for all of the effort and energy they put into our training and all of the support and advice that they gave us.  They are fantastic role models and very warm and caring people.  I am really excited to start on my new journey with MLS and meeting my new students.






This training has given me highly valuable professional development.  I didn’t train as a teacher, but now I feel like so much potential had been unlocked within me.  I have so many more teaching techniques, games and fun ways to teach with. My whole approach has been re-thought with the Drama method at the center. The trainers were so open and kind and never made me feel like I couldn’t ask a question.  Thank you for a great experience.


この研修のおかげで、プロとして非常に価値のある成長を遂げることができました。これまで教師としての研修は受けたことがなかったのですが、今 自分の中の潜在的な力がたくさん開花したような気がしています。おかげさまでとてもたくさんの指導テクニック、ゲーム、そして楽しく教える方法が身につきました。クラスでいかに教えるかは、すべて深い部分でドラマメソッドを通して再考するようになってきました。トレーナーの皆さんはとてもオープンで優しく、質問もしやすい空気を作ってくれました。素晴らしい経験ができたことに感謝しています。

年度最初の全講師・アシスタント キックオフ・ミーティング



I will admit that the Basic Training that I was part of when I was a 1st Year Instructor at MLS is still one of my most memorable MLS experiences to date.  I credit the success of that program as to why I continue to be a part of MLS after all of these years.



Teaching with the Drama Method truly is a skill upon which there is unlimited room for growth, and even though we are all teachers, we are all still learning.  We are always discovering new ways to achieve our goals through our collaborative meetings with all the Instructors.   Our method is real.  It’s organic… it’s alive.





I remember being so nervous to perform activities in front of my collogues when I first joined MLS, but now, after all of the experiences I’ve gained from teaching here, I have absolutely no problem with this.



I do my best to provide this opportunity to learn English Through Drama to those who want to learn it, and more importantly, to those who want to teach with it.  If the Instructors are moved by the experience of English Through Drama, they can bring that heartfelt experience with them to the classes to share with the students.






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こんにちは。アメリカ出身のスカイです。 子供たちと接することが大好きで、クラスでは僕自身もいつも色々なことを学ばされます。演劇を通して語学を習得するMLSのドラマメソッドは、子供たちは常にエネルギーに溢れ、楽しく学んでもらえるので本当に教え甲斐がある指導方法です。 現在は今までの経験を活かして教務部で新人講師のトレーニングも担当しています。