
The World is a Stage

The World is a Stage


Thoughts on the Benefits of
Practical Methods of English Instruction


In my first class with a new student of English, there is one question I always make sure to ask, regardless of that student’s ability level, age, or time spent studying the language. That question is: “what do you hope to achieve by studying English?”


As one would expect, the answers I have received over the years vary greatly. There are some students who have very concrete and specific goals; they need to improve their English so they can get a better job, get into a better school, or communicate better with a foreign family member. Conversely, there are students who simply want to study English as hobby to pass the time, or to keep their mind sharp as they reach the later stages of their life.


However, despite the unique motivations of my students throughout the years, there is one common thread—an idea that is shared by almost every English-learner I have met, whether they are a student or someone I happened to meet in a café. Quite simply: they just want to be able to speak in a different language.


It is almost shocking how the same concrete examples are repeated. “I want to be able to order food on my vacation to Hawaii!” or “I want to have the confidence to ask the foreigners on the train where they are from!” are examples of statements I have heard too many times to count.


But perhaps even more shocking, or rather, discouraging, is the fact that the students who are making these statements more often than not have a high command of the English language in terms of grammar and vocabulary. And therefore the source of frustration immediately becomes apparent. There is a great disconnect between the academic understanding of the language and its actualization in real-world situations.

ですが、おそらくもっとショックなのは、というより かなりがっかりするのは、こういったことをよく口にする生徒はそうでない生徒に比べて英語の文法や語彙力にかなり長けている、という事実なのです。なぜそうなのか原因はズバリ、英語を学問的に理解するということと実社会のさまざまな状況下で使いこなすことの間に大きな隔たりがあるからです。

Allow me to refer back to the example of ordering food. Imagine, if you will, a group of Japanese junior high school students on their way to a homestay in America. They have been studying diligently in preparation for this trip—it will be their first trip to an English-speaking country. Even on the plane ride, they have their noses in their textbooks, reviewing the advanced vocabulary words they had just been tested on. Finally, the plane lands. They are hungry—starving actually. So, they decide the first thing they’ll do is find an American restaurant and order a hamburger. Luckily, there is one right in the airport.



So, all of the students sit down and almost immediately a young, fashionable waitress comes to their table and in a quick, effortless tone blurts out “Hey, what-can-I-getcha?” The syllables blend together so seamlessly, and are delivered with such expedience, that every Japanese student in the group is stunned into an embarrassed silence, and they look back at the Taylor Swiftian waitress with a deer-in-the-headlights look until the waitress assumes a general lack of English ability and resorts to using gestures and pointing at the menu to explain that she is simply asking for their order. Now, all of the students, in a state of shame and defeat, can do nothing else but point at the pictures of the giant hamburgers on the menu and mutter a simple “This, please.”

そこでこう決意するのです。まず最初にすることはアメリカのレストランをさがすこと! そして、そこでハンバーガーを注文するぞ! と。幸いちょうど空港にもレストランがあります。



So, what happened? These students had been studying English in school since the beginning of elementary school—some of them before that. And it wasn’t that they had not learned the necessary vocabulary for ordering food. They had read over countless dialogues in their textbooks, even recently, with phrases written out like “What would you like to order?” and “Excuse me, have you come to a decision yet?” They spent countless class hours dissecting the grammatical points associated with questions like these. And yet, when faced with a very simple question in a real-world situation, they are more helpless than an English-speaking toddler.

何が起こったのでしょうか? この生徒達は小学校の最初の頃から学校でずっと英語を勉強してきていたのです。中にはそれ以前からしてきた子もいます。食事を注文するのに必要な語彙もちゃんと習っていたのです。


Why?  Because conversation is an art form that occurs in the present moment. It is reactionary. It does not occur in a controlled setting. It requires, always, some level of improvisation. Quite frankly, the English that is being studied in most Japanese schools is the opposite of this. It is controlled to an alarming extent—and students are not required to make decisions in the moment, but instead asked to eliminate all mistakes by taking an almost judicious amount of time to come to decisions. As a result, a kind of hesitation is born in their minds. And hesitation is the enemy of smooth conversation.

どうしてなのでしょうか? それは会話というのは現時点で起こっているある種のアート(芸術)のようなものだからです。何かを受けてまた何かを返すようなもので、規制された環境のもとでは起こりません。いつも何かしら「即興レベル」の要素が必要とされます。かなり率直に言いますが、ほとんどの日本の学校で教えられている英語はこれとは正反対です。驚くほど規制されており、生徒は瞬時に判断を下すよう迫られることはありません。その代わり、間違わないようにと賢明に考え抜く時間をたっぷりかけるのです。その結果、ある種のためらいが発生します。このためらいこそがスムーズな会話を邪魔してしまうのです。

In Model Language Studio, through its Drama Method®, I believe there is a solution. At MLS, conversation is treated as an art. Actually, you could argue that drama is conversation taken to its highest artistic form. William Shakespeare famously wrote, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” At MLS, real-world situations are practiced in the classroom on a regular basis and all students are encouraged to develop their ability to listen and respond—to react to what is being communicated in a natural way, using their own personalities. And furthermore, these students are literally getting on stage to perform!


In my opinion, this is lacking in English education—specifically in English education in the country of Japan. Through the programs at Model Language Studio, I have seen students gain the confidence to communicate effectively. I have seen students who were at first too shy to even say “hello” gain the confidence to speak out, and even perform improvised lines in front of others, in the span of only a few classes. The Drama Method is practical, fun, and most importantly—it works.



And as for ordering a hamburger while traveling abroad? Well, what better way to prepare for that then acting out a scene within a restaurant in front of an audience of hundreds? That’s the kind of thing that happens at MLS!

ところで、海外旅行でのハンバーガーの注文について、ですか? そうですね、何百人もの観客の前でレストンにいる場面を演じるというのはどうでしょうか? これ以上に良い練習方法はありませんよね? そういうことがMLSでは行われているのです。

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Adam Wieczorek

こんにちは!アメリカ出身のアダムです。 日本に来る前に英語の学士を取得し、英語教師の資格 CELTAを取得しました。 それから現在に至るまで幅広い年齢層の生徒さんたちに英語を指導してきました。 現在はMLS本部人事に所属し、外国人講師の採用にも携わり、ドラマメソッド®で英語を指導できる講師をたくさん送り出しています。 私の趣味はランニング、ハイキング、ボルダリング、読書、日本語の勉強です。